Monday August 1st session: Coding Dojo with Tim Bacon
A few weeks ago I was chatting with Tim Bacon about what he could do in this coming Monday's session AgileScotland session (1st of August, Currie and Browns Office, No. 1 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HG, Start time 7:30). Tim threw out a few ideas, amongst them the suggestion of running a "Coding Dojo".
"A what?", I asked, concerned that have may have been refering to me as a Coding Dodo, but mistyped.
He responded with:
Laurent Bossavit runs a monthly coding dojo in Paris. He described it in his workshop at XP2005. He derived his idea from the Kata that 'Pragmatic Dave' put up on his website some time before.
The idea is to:
(a) learn about programming by seeing people do it as well as by doing it
(b) appreciate the subtleties of programming by focussing on solutions to a relatively easy problem in a controlled way
Sounds simple but it isn't really.
The idea is to:
(a) learn about programming by seeing people do it as well as by doing it
(b) appreciate the subtleties of programming by focussing on solutions to a relatively easy problem in a controlled way
Sounds simple but it isn't really.
Now this sounds like fun. So, this months session is a Coding Dojo. If you lot like the idea, then we could even consider running something more regular.
p.s. Can I have two volunteers to bring along a laptop each with Eclipse and Java installed?