Wednesday, November 23, 2005

December 5 Meeting : Automated Acceptance Testing by Paul Wilson

The next AgileScotland meeting will be on "Automated Acceptance Testing" by long-term AgileScotlander Paul Wilson on December 5th.  It will start at 7:30 in the usual place: Currie and Brown's offices, on the Ground Floor, No. 1 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HG

Automated Acceptance Testing is one of the most exciting - and important - developments within the Agile community.   To my mind it is an important sign that Agile is maturing.  Unfortunately, I've found that while it's easy to understand intellectually, you can't appreciate it fully until you've seen it in action or done it.  Brian Swann ran a fantastic session in February 2004 and Tim Bacon's covered it in his course earlier this year, and I'm thrilled to have another session.

Paul knows his stuff.  I've just given a series of lectures to Eddie Gray's 4th year software engineering students at Glasgow Caledonian University and Paul helped me out earlier this week by running a very informative session on Unit testing.  I don't want to make Paul blush, but an anonomous colleague of Paul's recently told me that he "is an absolute master when it comes to Automated Acceptance Testing. He has a finger in every technological pie and is full of knowledge on the subject in every  technology! FIT, Exactor, JWebFit,  Fitness, Watir, Selenium - he's got them all down!".

Please join us on December 5th for what should be a very interesting session.
