Hi everyone,
Here're details of two Agile events taking place very soon. I'm talking at the first and a friend of mine, DSDM expert, John Isgrove is speaking at the second.
1. UK Rational User Group - Edinburgh, 23rd of November. Free - but you have to join the group (for free) and register.:
Date: Nov 23rd, 2009
Meeting time: 09:30 to 16:45
Meeting location: IBM, 21 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 1AY
Meeting topic: UK RUG "Achieving Agility" in Scotland
This agenda is subject to change, but most of the speakers have now confirmed their availability.
09:00 - Registration
09:30 - Welcome - Julian Holmes
09:45 - IBM Rational Update and summary of RSC - Anthony Kesterton
10:30 - Break
10:45 - The Agile Way: Agility as a way of thinking - Clarke Ching
11:30 - Break
11:45 - Getting Started in Agile, Part 1: The safety Net - Paul Oldfield
12:30 - Lunch
13:15 - Zero to Hero: An RTC SCM Quick Start for Agile Development - Andrew Harmel-Law
14:30 - Break
14:45 - Agility @ Scale - Scott Ambler (Live from Toronto)
15:45 - Break
16:00 - Agile "Goldfish bowl" - All presenters
16:30 - Wrap-Up - Julian Holmes
16:45 - Close
2. UK BCS - Scottish Testing link - Glasgow, November 24th
John is talking on Agile ("Delight your customers, increase your job satisfaction, and
http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=nav.9729 I'm uncertain of