Sunday, August 22, 2010

[AgileScotland] Work4Bletchley - Proposed Charity Training / Seminar in Edinburgh on September 16th

Hi Everyone,
Checkout a very generous - and worthy - offer from Matt Wynne, below.  Matt has recently moved to Scotland and has a very good reputation in the UK agile community.
From: Matt Wynne <>
Date: 18 August 2010 10:45:25 GMT+01:00
Subject: [techmeetup-discuss] Work4Bletchley - Proposed Charity Training / Seminar in Edinburgh on September 16th

Hey all,

The thing is, as I now work as a freelance consultant, I may not actually be earning anything at all on the 16th. So I had another idea: run a day's coaching or training for free, and get everyone who comes to make a donation to the fund. The most excellent Paul Wilson of Edgecase / Scottish Ruby Conference / ScotRUG fame has offered to collaborate with me on the day.

At the moment, I'm thinking we can run the day on the theme of 'Unleashing Your Agility'. We'd have a broad look over the techniques from XP / Scrum / Kanban etc. that you can use to make better software faster, with lots of workshop-style sessions to keep it interesting and relevant to you and to give you some opportunities to network. I'm interested in hearing feedback as to whether that theme sounds relevant and useful to you.

I'm thinking we could suggest donations at £50 / head. Would you be interested in coming along?

Rather than cluttering up this list, please give us feedback on the idea with this very quick questionnaire:


+44(0)7974 430184