Thursday, March 04, 2010

Free Agile & Lean Training ...

Hi everyone,

Last summer Rob Lally and I ran a few very well received "Intro to
Lean and Agile software development" training days. They were free for
any victims of the recession and about £30 each for people in work. We
had some excellent feedback and we made some good friends. We promised
to run more ... but then work commitments, the weather, and such, got
in the way.

Now that the winter is (nearly) behind us, I'm thinking of doing the
same again but this time instead of daytime sessions we'll run them in
the evening so that they suit people (like us) with day jobs. That'll
mean we have 3 or 4, 2 hour sessions spread over 2 or 3 months. Once
again we will keep the price down low enough to cover expenses of the

If you are interested in attending [or contributing to] something like
this then send me an email ( and I will see
what I can do. Please feel free to forward this note on to your
friends and colleagues.

Clarke Ching,, 07920114893
Author of Rocks Into Gold - An Agile Parable and - coming soon -
Rolling Rocks Downhill - An Agile & Theory of Constraints Business